Thursday, July 09, 2015

Go get a flat belly! not tomorrow, today !!

Just like there are no shortcuts to success, there are none to a flat belly. You ought to work out and take proper diet to finally show off your toned abs. Many of us tend to believe that we can get great abs by working out and maintaining our diet for some time and then once we have it we can go around eating from this corner and other. The whole understanding is wrong, to say the least.

In movie, Pursuit of Happiness, Will Smith talks about his daily routine and calls that part of his the pursuit of happiness. All the struggles that he had to face in that movie made him think more than once that happiness was not something that could be achieved, it could only be pursued. But we later got to know that right amount of efforts and dedication can actually help you find “happiness”. In the same way, ”pursuit of a flat belly” is something that requires consistent effort and great determination.  On our way we should take all the help that we can. Follow a regular exercise regime, get your beauty sleep, stay away from stress, keep away from happy, sad or stress eating, do not touch alcohol, say no to smoking and most importantly set your diet.

Now, that if makes you feel dizzy better stop reading here. But if you have the courage and determination that you think you do, there are a lot of people, industries and forums that will help you.  

Dabur (@DaburHoney_Ind) has pioneered the process of bringing the goodness of nature into our lives through their wide range of products. This time it is going to their “Honey”.  They have come up with this great concept of “Honey Diet” which helps you sustain your efforts for fitness. They have created 7 days crash diet plan for you so that you can lose those extra pounds and get in the shape that you had always wanted. It’s not about getting slim only, it is about getting fit. You don’t have to be slim to be happy with yourself and enjoy being in your skin. But you must be fit.

I don’t intend to preach here about the importance of fitness. You must try to live a better life, so that you can pass on better values to the next generation.  

Like Lord Krishna said in Shree Mad-Bhagwad Geeta , “Karmanyevadhikaraste ma faleshu kadachana” which means focus on your karma and leave your worries about outcomes to me. Grab your glass of lemon water and 2 table spoons of honey and follow your Honey Diet ( get started on the path of a better tomorrow. All you need to do is, fill some basic information about your health and get your diet plan on your registered email id. Once you have it follow it religiously.

I wish you all a fitter and flatter belly.



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