Dear Reader,
If you have not read the first part of the series , please read it here -
Story of Evolution - Get introduced to characters and story
3 years Later
If you have not read the first part of the series , please read it here -
Story of Evolution - Get introduced to characters and story
3 years Later
Dolphina was restless. Her heart was racing; she had never thought that this day would come. Matsya was dead. She was all alone but her responsibilities as the queen mother and chief minister of kingdom of waters did not afford her a moment of grief on death of her dearest. Just three years back on May 18, 2012 they had met with King of Forests Sultan and his minister Chanak to discuss problems caused by humans and decided to let it be for a while so that humans could learn from their mistakes and evolve with time. But it had proven fatal for Matsya, her love. How she wished today that she had decided to kill all humans and get rid of their ill plans.
She shouted for the guard and asked him to get Chanak from forests.
Earlier that day Matsya was out for a swim with his bodyguards. He was enjoying the great expanse of the sea and loved the bitter salty taste of its water, after all he was born in it and since then had lived to love and protect it. There was no better swimmer in the entire kingdom. He was 42 feet long and weighed more than 20 tonnes but no one could control the speed and dive as he could. He was feeling fantastic that morning when kissed Dolphina good bye.
He was swimming a few hundred kilometers from the lands south of river Narmada. He loved the water in this part of sea which humans called Arabian Sea. He could see human fishing boats and other huge structures which were sailing across the sea with a lot of grains and other supplies for different parts of world where humans had made their colonies. He was always well informed about these routes as he always kept a distant watch on these areas.
Today he had decided to come closer to the shore to get a closer look at all the things that were being developed at the sea shore. He could see long lines of tall building less than 100 meters from the sea shore. He wondered if humans never learn from the destructions of the past, why they choose to live so close to the sea. He saw many outlets of dirty water that were freely flowing into sea making the whole part of the sea dark black. He was disgusted at the sight of it. He had not realized that he had come very close to the shore and the taste and quality of the water that they were treading into, was very different from what they had ever experienced. He took a sip of the water and felt dizzy, just a sip of it was enough to get him lose his consciousness. His body guards were in no better shape. They were struggling to see and breath. The water did not have enough oxygen for them. Suddenly their gills were full of a pollutant they had never known about, in effort to save their lives they were taking more and more water to get enough oxygen but that was getting their gills blocked and they were not able to push the water out anymore. They were drowning with the weight of water and all of them were losing control of their tail and muscles because not enough oxygen was available to their brains. They were slowing down and in next few minutes all of them knew that they were not going to make it back home that day.
Only one thing that was left for them to do before giving their lives was to push their king to the land in last hope that humans would be intelligent enough to save him. They had seen reports that a small fraction of humans were advocating measures to save the nature. They had never thought, but humans were their last hope in a bid to save their king. They mustered all the courage that was required and pushed the floating body of their king towards the land. They could never know if they were successful, for their life had already gone out of them.
Humans always love a spectacle. A huge whale on their shore was another that they could not get enough of. They were too busy in clicking photographs and calling their relatives to come and see the wonder that they did not think of calling for help. All the show off and drama to save the planet and nature was coming to see the truth of light. A setup that was supposed to work in such conditions was completely absent. Everyone, who was there, was clueless about what they could do. Such shame. All technological development that humans boasted off returned no result. They could not even push the king of waters back into water let alone provide a safe place for him to live. Humans once again had failed the kingdoms of forests and waters. They had again failed God. They had again proven short of fulfilling their purpose.
PS: In a shocking incident, all the machinery and intelligence of human beings could not push back a whale into sea on June 26th.
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Source: Hindustan Times |
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