Friday, May 18, 2012

Story of Evolution


He sat on a rock beside the waterfall chewing on the last piece of carrot. Deep in thought, he did not realize how the day had passed. He stared at the waterfall and tried to remember his days as the smartest graduate rabbit in the forests. He rolled his eyes and turned his back to call for his men, “Roy !! Roy !! get me my stick”. He was getting old and could not run as he did in his youth. Roy came puffing and panting up the rock with the stick tied on his back. “ My lord ! your stick “ bowed Roy by putting his back towards Chanak, the chief minister.

Chanak took the stick and started walking , Roy followed him two steps behind. “Roy ! what do you think we should do ?”, he asked. Roy was bewildered at the sudden question “About what my lord ?”. “About humans, the have been destroying our forests. We kept quite all these years thinking that they are evolving and they would need means. But their greed is insatiable. “ Chanak frowned.

Roy was furious, with anger in his voice he replied “We should have destroyed humans at their first mistake. They do not understand our warnings. They have a very volatile short term memory. Our tsunamis are forgotten in a day or two. We have no option but to annihilate them from the face of the earth else nobody else would survive”. Chanak was shocked at the reply he turned back and stared at Roy for a moment. Roy realized that he may have spoken more than he was required too.


Sultan , the king of forests, was fast asleep when queen entered his bedroom. “ Dear lord, you are still asleep. Our subjects are going nuts since humans have started deforesting Corbett. Please wake up.” Sultan rolled in the bed and tried to pat himself with his tail. He got up slowly and sat in the bed with multiple pillows around him, as if to support him from falling in the bed again. “ I need time to think about the solution” he murmured. “Do we have the luxury of time my lord ? “ queen Meenakshi asked while handing him the cup of tea.

“I know I do not have time to decide, but gods made me take a vow that I would not destroy humans until it is impossible to tolerate them. Gods feel bad that humans started evolving after all of us. Don’t you remember we were as boastful when we realized the power of our brain as humans are about their new found brain. They hardly have a 4 % active brain , you cannot blame them if they do not understand the repercussions of their actions. We have passed that stage years back and now we have evolved completely with a brain 100 % active. We understand reason behind everything , thus our actions are coherent with nature. They have a long way to go and it would not be soon that they start maturing. As alpha species of the planet it is our duty to give them the chance to reach our levels.” Sultan said softly.

Queen was left with no words but she was worried about the state of the earth. She said worriedly “ But my lord, as king of the forests you have to ensure the safety of our subjects. Some of them have already started rebelling by attacking humans and trespassing their territory.”

“I know, I will send ministers to talk to other animals. Problem is that humans do not understand that we are more evolved than them. Our calm and reserved nature makes them think that they rule the planet and can control us. I do not know how to make them understand that they are the most stupid ones on the face of earth. I blame gods for this, they should have created humans with all of us so that they can start evolving with all of us. But no, they just could not do that. “ King felt a surge of helpless anger.

“ I will talk to the king of waters “ he walked out of the room whispering.


Matsya, King of waters was restless, Sultan had not arrived at the meeting venue. “He just does not understand punctuality. No wonder forests are being destroyed by humans long before Pralay ( doomsday ).”

Sound of conchs rose from all sides, Sultan had arrived. “Apologies for delay in my arrival brother Matsya. We had to change our route because humans encroached deeper into our territory. We did not realize that until it was too late.”

Sultan and his ministers took seat with Matsya and his queen. Matsya brought only his chief minister with him , not many. His queen was his chief minister. The most intelligent and admired in waters Madam Dolphina.

Matsya started “ Have you thought what to do about humans, they are not going to stop anywhere lesser than complete destruction of ecosystem. Gods wouldn’t have thought that this day would come. “

Sultan sighed and said “ I agree brother, but what should we do about our oath to not destroy humans? “

Chanak took the opportunity to share an idea “ We must show humans that we are smarter. We have concealed our evolution from them just because we are more evolved. Flaunting half the knowledge of anything is harmful, this they would have to understand”.

Matsya ,interested in the idea, spoke “But how do we do this ? Humans are too arrogant to listen to us.“

Sultan lost his temper “ Darn ! “

Finally Dolphina spoke , there was nobody who was not interested in what she had to say. She had already proved her ability to all. Dolphina started “What is it that is common between extinction of many species over time?“

The question left everyone thinking. They were not ready for a quiz. Sultan said “Please come to the point”.

Dolphina irritated with Sultan’s attitude continued “A balloon bursts when air is pushed into it beyond it’s capacity. Greed is that air and existence is that balloon. Our beloved dinosaurs went extinct in similar conditions, they just could not control their desire to rule the planet in the beginning of their evolution. Same thing happened with other species. Humans would extinct sooner or later if they continued on the current path. Let the end of Mayan calendar come, I am sure they would learn something. If they did not change their attitude, time is not far when we would remember them as the less privileged ones who could not make it.”

Chanak added “Everything takes it’s own course. We must not worry and remain in our territory and wait for them to either evolve or extinct”

Sultan and Matsya nodded in agreement because they knew that there was nothing that they could do about it.



Writefully Yours said...

One of the best you have written and one of the most imaginative pieces I have read :)

Kumar Utkarsh said...

i agree with prateek bro here.... this is really one of ur best creation ever..... it has everything in it....
u can call it a work of fiction with full imaginative mind in action but it actually reflects in real time too..... so one can associate it with the present day situation too....
and the most important point is that it actually ends up with a msg... just like we call the Moral of the Story.....
in one word.... its just "Awesome"
and i really liked this one the most...... :)

purvi said...

Wow rishi.. watta wowonderful n thoughtful piece.. kudos man!!