Happiness is so addictive that it makes the thought of getting the high over so scary. On the days when everything seems going towards your way and you just can’t be anything but happy, when the day gets over and you sit down pondering over the stuff that’s going on you start wondering what would happen if these days got over. After all how long can one be just happy, soon this thought makes you get goose bumps and then you start wondering a little pinch of sadness won’t be such a bad idea to have if it promises to maintain the balance of universe in terms of sadness and happiness? I want to stay happy the way I am, there is a lot that I can achieve there is a better life waiting for me that I can have but what if the life then fails to be as happy as this one is. What if this life ceases to be as happy as it is after sometime when I have lost all the opportunities to move on to a better one. Guess, we all have to take our chances, don’t we?
Is there any way we can know if moving on would be a good idea? I am not sure. What does your heart say? Whatever it says, is it reliable? As much as I want to ensure a happy life, there is no way to promise that even to ourselves. How, then, we are supposed to promise happiness to anyone else? What can be done to attain eternal happiness? Can getting spiritual be an option? Living a meaningless hedonistic life can make you an empty vessel, but is that so bad? If it is, then how bad is it? Running after meaning in your life, is it worth all the effort that it takes? What is the meaning of life? Is there any way to find that out? Don’t we all decide that for ourselves? How can we be sure that whatever we have decided for ourselves is right or does it have to be right at all?
All these questions, when they started rushing into my mind, I had no idea that I had already started on a slippery slope. This simple fear of losing the happiness I have right now, made me wonder how fragile everything is. The questions that I asked myself a few minutes ago are just a fraction of questions that you need to ask yourself in case you start falling into the spiral. All I want to say is that, this moment is so important, when you are happy. Stay away from fear, enjoy the moment.